If you like rough sex stories, mostly written by amateurs, you've come to the right place. This is not about glossy, synthetic pornography, but often about the very bottom of the drawer. But then with passion! Incest, group sex, gangbangs, sex with mother and daughter, games involving golden showers and caviar, public sex: here you can read stories that you would otherwise have to search for a long time.
The layout of the site sometimes looks a little antiquated (say hello to the 1990s!) and mistakes in sentence structure and spelling are definitely not uncommon here. However, you can feel the authors' lust with every line. Anyone who reads along here can and should also write along, as is pointed out directly on the homepage. Apparently, the only things that are censored are those that run counter to German law.
It's nice that this website is completely free and ad-free. So you can browse through dirty stories to your heart's content and even comment on them. The comment column is also used by some readers as a dating exchange. This even seems logical, as the site opens with "Sex stories & personals". However, there is no separate section for personals on the site. This also reinforces the impression of an old-fashioned and outdated site. But you don't come here to marvel at the best web design ... 😉
Please rate this website
Lots of rough sex stories from amateurs
(almost) uncensored
Free of charge
Updated again and again
Not for the faint-hearted
Design of the website looks tinkered with
The site is not very clear
Many stories contain typos and typographical errors
There is no separate personal adverts section